
Seven Secrets of Seduction by Anne Mallory
Warning: Watch out if you are TSTR (Too Stupid To Read), a Skip-reader or require proportional POV's (Points of View.)

Sometimes, being a skip-reader works and sometimes it doesn't. In this case it doesn't. For the first half of Seven Secrets of Seduction my little old forehead was wrinkled in concentration because I was trying to figure out what the hero, Maximilian was up to! I don't like it when I become a TSTR person!!! As I've said before, I'm a lazy reader.

Now, don't get me wrong, this was a wonderful book, but my little brain cells were working overtime...and that was because the author gave me only Miranda's POV for the longest time...with an occasion thought by Maxim thrown in. When I read a romance, I like to be in on the secret and this one took a while to unfold. And unfold it does!!! Magically!!!

So, if you do read this book...and, I recommend that you do...don't become frustrated halfway though it! Keep on going, I think you'll enjoy the lovely writing. Just be warned, this is not a typical, spelled out for you love story, and don't get nervous (like I did) when the hero's POV doesn't show up for a long, long, long, time. When you make it to the end, I think you'll be in for a pleasant surprise. Great read!

Time/Place: Late 1800 England

Sensuality Rating: Warm/Hot


Tracy said...

I want all to be revealed as well. If the author takes too long to have matters unfold I get too frustrated! lol

Sounds good.

SidneyKay said...

I'm glad I finished it, because it was really well written...but I found myself distracted by wondering if his point of view was ever going to show up. I'm sure or almost sure that it wasn't a fluke that it was written that way. The author deliberately set out to drive me mad! But seriously, if you do read it, don't give up on it.

KT Grant said...

Half the time I couldn't figure out where the hero was coming from. He annoyed me like you wouldn't believe.

SidneyKay said...

It reminded me of early Gothic romances with the dark brooding hero who may have killed his wife or may be a vampire or may be in love with the heroine...but we never know, but we are supposed to know that he is the good guy. I really need my POV's!