
Not Quite a Husband by Sherry Thomas

I'm going to say right off that I'm really disappointed. I was very excited about reading this book, because I loved Sherry Thomas' other books, so I thought this one would be just as good. Now, don't get me wrong, the writing is wonderful and I think Sherry Thomas is one of the better writers to come along in the last few years. The problem I had with Not Quite a Husband was the heroine Bryony.

I did not like Bryony! She was like a dog with a bone and she had a TSTL moment toward the end of the book that made me want to punch her lights out. She is represented as a cold fish in bed with Leo and with reason. You see, while they are engaged, Leo does a romance land no no. Uh oh! But one of the very first things she does after three years of separation, with no clearing up of the situation, is have sex with him...and not cold fish sex, but hot sex. Why? Don't know, it's never explained. And the TSTL moment, I saw it coming but still didn't like it; there could have been another way to put the couple into danger. She became the Too Stupid Too Live heroine.

I love the troubled marriage theme and this is one book in which she really does see what she thinks she's seeing, but the resolution of the problem was too contrived and didn't work for me. I was left with the feeling that if there hadn't been this big traumatic event they would have went their separate ways; so I don't buy the happy ending.

Regardless of some of these short comings, there is some really fine writing in this book. I guess I giving it a half-hearted recommendation with a warning that you may not like this one. Or, you might.
Sensuality Rating: Scorching

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