
Her Ladyship's Companion by Evangeline Collins

Nice cover
Warnings! Virgin Wife Alert!

This is an interesting book to review, because the writing in this book was very good. I'm always rather dubious when a book is categorized as "erotic" because the writing in a lot of those books just isn't very good. However, instead of page after page of sex (and there was) there is some really strong character development. Her Ladyship's Companion is Evangeline Collins debut novel and it's a good start and I will probably read her next one.

Infidelity! One of the verboten topics of romanceland is books that have infidelity in them and for the most part only a few authors tackle that topic. I have my own rules about it in books, it has be before the book began and they have to work that problem out or it has to be accidental. Accidental as in they think their spouse is dead. It can never be after they have developed a relationship and then it happens, hate that! So, what's my point? The heroine of this book, the virgin wife, becomes involved with a male prostitute, Gideon (the hero). The husband is still alive and he is really an abusive skank! I'm not sure if men can be skanks, but this one was. Anyway, this part of the book was one of the things that kept me from giving it a higher rating.

I also had a problem with the brothers of the heroine. They were both very selfish men, and they distracted from the story because the author told us a little about their background, but didn't tie up any loose ends with them. A quick check of the author's website does not indicate that she's writing about them, so I wondered why tell us all the details?

The character I liked the best in the book was, much to my surprise Gideon, the hero aka male prostitute. And I give credit to Ms. Collins superb writing for making him such a sympathetic character. I could really understand how the heroine, Isabella, came to love him. I found it harder to understand how Gideon came to love Isabella and even though they had their required HEA, I see problems in the future for them. Of course, this is fiction, but Isabella's character doesn't seem strong enough to handle the problems that one would run into if one would marry a ex-male prostitute.

I was also distracted by the use of certain words that were used during sex; that always get my dander up. I have never, ever found any of them to be sexy in any way, and if anyone would ever say them or shout them to me during the big moment, I'd have to laugh at them. You know those words: the "F" word, the other "C" word. And while I'm on the subject of sex, the heroine had the "BIG O" waaay to many times.

So, this was a hard book for me to review, I liked the writing but I can't say I loved the book. It was an interesting try by a first time author.

Time: Regency Scotland
Sensuality Rating: Scorcher

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