
Secrets of a Scandalous Bride by Sophia Nash
Secrets of a Scandalous Bride brings to a satisfactory close the Widow Club series. There seemed to be only one book in the series that stumbled and that was Love with the Perfect Scoundrel. Secrets of a Scandalous Bride is a solid read; I only have a few minor quibbles.

Evidently the hero in this book, Rowland, was a villain in a previous book. However, I don't remember him. In fact, it wasn't until I read the names of Ata and Mr. Brown that I remembered which series I was reading. That's one of the problems with books in a series - I really have a problem remembering which one I'm reading. Is this the one with the four brothers who are spies and have animal names or is this the one with the sisters who run a school for wayward waifs who want to be either educated servants or enter society and marry a Duke? I do love a good series though.

Anyway, this book doesn't need the other ones in the series; it is able to stand alone. Both the heroine, Elizabeth, and the hero, Rowland, are well-rounded characters. This is a standard plot of a pretend widow hiding out at the stronghold of the wicked man, but the two main characters are really so well written that this didn't bother me.

Elizabeth is one of those heroines who always has a plan on how to extricate herself, though I don't think any of her plans ever worked. Rowland was the stronger of the two characters, and I really liked him. He is really really a tormented soul hiding behind a gruff exterior (and I do mean gruff), but Elizabeth doesn't allow him to bully her. They actually make quite a wonderful couple. Neither one of them are truthful with one other, but for some reason that doesn't matter and they both know the other person isn't being truthful. And, even though neither one of them were honest with each other, there really isn't any big misunderstanding. I know that doesn't make any sense, but if you read the book you'll understand.

Now for the quibbles. It seemed to me that parts of the book were rushed and all of the loose ends were tied rather quickly, especially the last widow, Sarah. When her particular end got tied I felt my eyebrows go up, and said to myself "Oh, Puleese!"

But all in all, I'd say this is a satisfying ending to a series that, for the most part, I have enjoyed.

Time/Place: Regency England
Sensuality Rating: Hot


KT Grant said...

I actually liked the villain. LOL.

The whole, you will be my cook because you owe me scenario was just too ridiculous for me.

SidneyKay said...

Yes, at first I thought he might have the makings of a sequel...but twas not to be.