
Redeeming the Elusive Earl by Virginia Heath

May 6, 2020
Yes, there is a scar.

What we have in Redeeming the Elusive Earl is a hero who has a scar, and he's hiding out at his estate. But, it's not a heavy-duty-I-hate-the-world scar. Well, it is, but it doesn't seem like it is, because Ms. Heath has balanced the grouchy hero with a peppy heroine who ignores his problem.

Maximillian Aldersley, Earl of Rivenhall, is a recluse, or he's trying to be. One day, when he's out riding, minding his own business, he stumbles across a man digging holes on his land. His land! There is a trespasser digging holes on his land! Ignoring his own appearance, he confronts the hole digger, but there is a surprise in store. We readers of course know what that surprise is. That's no man digging holes, that's a woman in male clothing digging. Enter Euphemia Nithercott, a bluestocking if ever there was one. She's also a budding archeologist. She's also very smart, she has a big brain, and she doesn't really know how to be socially correct. She is in the habit of saying what pops into her big brain. And, she isn't about to let the mean guy on the horse tell her she can't dig, even if it is his land. So begins a fun story.

I found this story surprisingly entertaining, even if I didn't buy into a woman living by herself. The story was so charming, I was able to overlook my historical accuracy qualms. I loved Euphemia's big brain; and I loved the fact that Maximillian fell in love with that brain. He is enchanted with it, he watches her face, knows when her brain is ticking, and when those interesting words are going to come out of her mouth. Regardless of all the trauma, all the scars, all the pain he went through, he is strong enough to not be intimidated by her intelligence. In fact, after he becomes comfortable with his own skin, he also finds out that he isn't afraid of her huge brain.

This is a story of two lonely people who overcome some obstacles and find each other. There was a scene that could have led to some distrust, and other big issues. However, that little tiny plot didn't run away with the story, and was over fairly quickly.

This is another story which is a gentle telling of two lonely people who find each other. There isn't any heavy-duty angst, but there is plenty of fun dialogue for all romance readers to enjoy. I was pretty happy with this story, and I didn't have too many qualms...just a little hiccup about the heroine living alone. I loved the heroine, and thought the hero was even more manly because he was not intimidated by a woman who might be a tad bit smarter than he. Great couple. This is another gentle love story. I highly recommend it.

Time/Place: Regency England
Sensuality: Warm/Hot


Usha said...
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Usha said...

You have been reading up storm! I am going to try Heath. Excellent reviews as always !

SidneyKay said...

Usha - that's what happens when one is sent home. It's either read or bake, reading is sort of less fattening. But things are opening up so, now it will be normal reading speed. The last few books I've read by Ms. Heath, I've enjoyed. And, I know she has some I haven't looked at...could be time for another glomming session.