"You and me, we're gonna be pardners
You and me, we're gonna be pals
You and me, we'll do and dare alike
We'll share what there's to share alike
That goes for money, pleasure or gals
You and me will be the greatest pardners, buddies and pals." From the Jerry Lewis, Dean Martin movie Pardners.
Hopefully, the marriage in this book doesn't go the same way that the Lewis and Martin partnership went. Lady Anne's Lover is the last in The London List series by Maggie Robinson. Our heroine is Lady Imaculata Anne Egremont, a nineteen year-old on the run from her sexually abusive father. With the help of Evangeline from Lord Gray's List,
Before you think that this is some dark, angst-filled book, let me assure you that the lighthearted moments far outweigh the darker side, and that's what makes this book a pleasant read. I enjoyed the moments Anne and Gareth were together. Their dialogue was genuine. They are both imperfect people who form a perfect partnership. Even when Gareth falls off the wagon, (and he falls with a bang), the resolution is quick and reasonably painless.
Did I have any quibbles? Sure. I'm not a big fan of vast age differences and there was one in this story - she was nineteen and he was thirty-three. However, at times, she seemed the more mature of two. I also thought the resolution of both the murder and her father was glossed over, almost an afterthought - getting those loose ends tied before the last page. Her father especially, deserved more punishment than he was actually given.
Overall, this was a nice ending to a pleasant series. I'm looking forward to Maggie Robinson's moving forward from the Regency time period to the Edwardian with her next series, Ladies Unlaced. Love the Edwardians.
Time/Place: Regency England/Wales
Sensuality: Hot