The long and short of it.
What better way to spend the holiday season then zipping through a bouquet of short stories. As with all short stories, there are gems and then there are lumps of coal. One thing that all of these stories have in common are that they revolve around the holiday season. And, once again some of my favorite authors have given me the opportunity to relax and enjoy some holiday treats.
Let’s take a quick look at these little electronic tales. And, I have placed them in preference order.
Nook page count: 105. My favorite among the bunch was The Scandalous Dissolute

The Scandalous Dissolute No-Good Mr. Wright is more than just an advertisement for the next book coming out. In case you are wondering, this story was published earlier in the e-book anthology Three Weddings and a Murder. The only quibble I had with this story was the odd separation toward the end. However, for the most part, this was a delightful story.
Regency England
Sensuality: Hot

London 1857…big skirt time.
Sensuality: Hot

England 1884…big bustle time
Sensuality: Mild
Nook page count 121 pages. Your Wicked Heart by Meredith Duran is a set up for her new Rules for the Reckless series. This is a tale of mistaken identity, mistrust and just a touch of an old fashioned bodice ripper. This is also a road/sea trip story. I liked both Spence and Olivia. I found their journey very enjoyable and was also intrigued by the glimpse into their backgrounds. I’m hoping Ms. Duran is taking us further into Spence’s family, because I found those little dropped hints very fascinating.
Europe 1885…still big bustle time.
Sensuality: Hot
Regency England
Sensuality: Mild
Nook page count: 314. A Mackenzie Family Christmas comes in as the longest short story of

So, come on everyone…you are all invited to a holiday party! But, it will be alright, because there are soooo many people at this party no one will notice just one more. And, maybe, just maybe, those four tense Mackenzie’s will lighten up, but don’t count on it.
A Mackenzie Family Christmas is the type of short story filler I do not care for. It seemed to me that every single character from all of Ms. Ashley’s books put in an appearance. Toward the end of the story, I almost expected one of her vampires to show up. One of the problems with so many characters swarming all over the place was that I didn’t remember them or how they fit into past storylines. There was Hart, Cameron, Mac, Ian, Daniel and their wives. We also get a gratuitous sex scene for each of the brothers and their wives. To continue on with who drops in, there is David Fleming, Lloyd Fellow, Louisa Scranton, Earl Ramsey, Sinclair, Andrew, the McBride Brothers, Catroina, Bellamy, Larry, Curry, Moe and on and on and on. And, don’t forget all the servants. OMG, who are these people? I spent half of my time trying to remember who did what to who when. I was very confused. And, I haven’t even brought up some of the problems that only happens around a MacKenzie. I think I prefer my MacKenzie brothers in small doses.
1884 England…still bustle time.
Sensuality: Hot
And there you have it. The price was right on all of these stories and for the most part it was a great way to spend a bustling holiday.
Hey Kay! Happy Holidays! :)
Did you read What Happens at Christmas? I was really happy when I found out that Winfield was getting his own book and the novella. I think the novella really works well, because it gives us an idea of Winfield's character and also tells us what happened during his three engagements instead of re-hashing everything in his own book. Anyway, it really worked for me as well :)
Actually, What Happens at Christmas slipped under my radar. You know what that means? I have to go back and read it. I agree, I like the way this short story is a set up for Winfield's longer story.
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