
Unraveled by Courtney Milan

December 27, 2011

Hairpins!  Who knew hairpins could be so dramatic?
What a way to end a year!  And, let me just say there are not enough adjectives in the world to express how much I loved Unraveled.  Simply put, this book was marvelous!  What an emotional ride - what strong writing!  All that anticipation of  "Smite's story" was well worth the wait.
I've loved all of Courtney Milan's stories, but this one is an amazing book.  Smite will be joining my "hall of heroes," standing beside such greats as Derek Craven and Dain.
Smite. Sigh. What an incredibly complicated character.  He's so alone.  He can't bear to be around people.  He vomits around water. For all of his intelligence, he has trouble communicating with those closest to him.  His best friend his his dog, Ghost.  The comfort he draws from Ghost being near is very touching.
Smite is quirky and has tons of rules an regulations.  I especially loved his "sentimentality quota."  There are some memorable moments in this story, and one of those ooohhhh times involves Miranda's hairpin.  I'm not going to go into detail; I'm just saying ooohhhh.  And if that moment wasn't enough, imagine my surprise when Ms. Courtney did something that no other author in recent memory has ever done.  She wrote a scene (between Ash and Smite) so powerful, both of my eyes were leaking.  Now, I might have an occasional ooohhhh moment when it comes to the written word, but glistening eyes - sniffles - usually that only happens when  I watch Joy Luck Club.
Then we have Miranda Darling, or should I say Miranda comma darling?  She's such a strong conterpart to Smithe; they go together like peanut butter and jelly, cherry and coke, spic and span, rin and tin and tin.  They are so honest with each other; they know what each is bringing to their relationship and they don't have any expectations of a happy ending.  Even after they admit they love each other.  One of my favorite scenes with Miranda is when she is being blackmailed. Does she keep it a secret like any romance heroine would do? Nope, she actually tells Smite she's being forced into a bad situation.  It was quite refreshing for a change.
If there was a weak portion in Unraveled, it was the solution of the villain "the Patron." However, that didn't by any means lesson my enthusiasm for this incredible love story.
So, puleesseee, give yourself a treat. Unraveled is a magical romance and it's one you really don't want to miss. One of the best this year!
Time/Place: Early Victorian England
Sensuality Rating: Hot


Melanie said...

I read the first paragraph and had to stop...not that I didn't want to know or read your review but...I DO! I just knew it would be not just good but GREAT! so I have to read it first then I'll come back and read your review but I did see the grade :) So glad you loved it....


SidneyKay said...

Melanie: I hope you love it as much as I did!

Melissa said...

A great ending to an amazingly well written series. As I still won't buy a Nook, it was worth the price for the trade paperback.

Smite was a phenomenal hero and Miranda was a unique heroine. Their story is so different from a typical romance. And there are two scenes that are written in such a manner that you want to reread them again for the high emotion and to ponder the intensity of the moment; the scene between Smite and Ash as they final confront their past and the farewell scene between Smite and Miranda.

I loved this book!

SidneyKay said...

Melissa: I need a hormone break! Listening to "I Was who I was born to be" and rereading the Ash/Smite part was way toooo much.