
Hungry for You by Lynsay Sands

December 17, 2010

Oh those wacky Argeneaus!

Hungry For You by Lynsay Sands is the 15th zillion book in the Argeneau series. Actually it's the 15th, but who's counting? I've found that the books in this series are either good or ho-hum, and this one is a good one, although not the best.

Hopefully, if you're reading this book you are already familiar with how the vampires/immortals in this particular series operate, because there is only a minor explanation toward the end. The hero for this one is Cale and his life-mate is Alex. Alex is the third Willin sister to get her story and find the love of an immortal. Because Ms. Sands has introduced the "life-mate" plot, there isn't too much of a question of whether these two are going to end up together, although there was an introduction of the word "love" and whether Cale also loved Alex, his life-mate. So, I found that to be rather interesting.

This book is different from the others in the fact that the bad guy isn't a vampire, there's no murder, and mostly no blood or gore. Notice I said mostly. And no mad rush to save anybody. There is a lot of humor though. And if the humor of the secondary characters Bricker starts to get on your nerves, there is also the humor created when Cale tries to maneuver through cooking and managing a microwave. These moments reminded me a little of Knight in Shining Armor, except there's no time travel, just an immortal who's been around for 1000's of years and has long since given up food and forgotten how to cook (although after a couple of microwave accidents, I started to wonder why he wasn't reading the instructions that come with frozen food). I did have a chuckle out loud moment when Alex tries to sneak up on a room full of vampire/immortals.

Even though there was no chasing evil villains in this book, I found it to be a fast-paced read. And if you are following the Argeneau series, this one is a good one and I think you'll enjoy it.

Time/Place: Now Canada
Sensuality Rating: Hot


Tracy said...

I thought this one was good, too.

That microwave scene with Cale was hilarious.

If you haven't read Kleypas's Christmas Eve at Friday Harbor you should. It's got the funniest scene with the bachelor men trying to make a turkey. Hilarious.

SidneyKay said...

I love funny. I wish there were more writers that were doing funny. Maybe I'll give Kleypas' book a try...even though it's contemporary.