
A Match Made in Bed by Cathy Maxwell

May 16, 2018

It’s not a good sign when you can’t remember what a book is about and you just read it.
By the way, the cover of this book insinuates that this is a hilariously funny story – don’t be fooled, my little Petunia’s.
Cathy Maxwell is one of my auto-buys, but I will be the first to admit that sometimes she writes wonderful books and sometimes…

Cassandra Holwell is a rich heiress, and Soren, the Earl of Dewsberry needs a rich wife, and he has his eye on Cassandra, aka Cass. Evidently, Cass and Soren have a history. Cass had crush on him when he was 13 and she was 11. Then he did something and she hatesssssss him forever. Soren is puzzled as to the cold shoulder he’s receiving from Cassandra; he always has been. He has no idea what he did when he was 13 to make her hate him. Eventually, we find out what he did and I was struck dumb – for a minute. Think about it. He did something stupid when he was 13…thirteen!!! She is 11, that’s e-l-e-v-e-n and she can’t get over it. It’s been ten years since the silly, childish incident and she’s still holding a grudge. This was in the beginning of the book, so right away I was dazed by the incredible stupidity of it all. A Match Made in Bed almost hit the wall at that time. But I persevered. I kept hoping.

Cassandra. What can I say about Cassandra? Well, I can say she was an incredibly short-sighted, selfish, haughty, snobbish woman. She was incredibly difficult to like. She viewed herself as better than everyone else, and she just could not marry anyone who would want to live in the country. Puleese, how could she stand to be away from the city culture and gaiety? Who would ever want to be out in the fresh air? There are cows out there mooing, after all. Even when it is made very, very clear that her father is horrible, I could not stir up any kind of sympathy for her.  She was just dreadful. When she eventually turned around and became nice person, it was tooooo late. The author waited tooooo long to redeem her. I never understood why Soren wanted Cassandra so badly.

Soren. Soren has a secret. A big secret. SPOILER! Even after Cassandra and he are caught in a compromising position, forced to marry, and travel over hill and dale to get to his estate, he doesn’t say piddly-diddly to her about his secret. I know I’d want to know that the man I married had an approximately six-year old son. Surprise, surprise, surprise. But there is more. Logan, the boy, is of mixed blood. His mother was a Lenape Indian and was married to Soren. Oh yeah, Soren ran away to the states or Canada or the new world when he was young. Anyway, Soren wants Logan to be accepted into British society and that’s why he is desperate to have a wife. Why he would pick a mean, selfish woman to become Logan’s step-mother was bewildering. However, even if she was self-centered, she deserved to be told about Soren’s son a little sooner than she was.

Soren and Cass didn’t have any chemistry. I could not understand why Soren had his eye on Cass. He didn’t really seem to even have a childhood crush on her. She wasn’t someone who he couldn’t forget. She irritated him, he knew she was selfish, but somehow she would make a good mother for his son. The story didn’t make a whole lot of sense to me and I had a hard time finishing it.

I was very disappointed in A Match Made in Bed.

Time/Place: Regency England
Sensuality: Warm/Hot 

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