
Desperately Seeking a Scoundrel by Elisa Braden

August 19, 2020
Scoundrel is a rather tame word.
For anyone who was waiting for Colin’s story, Desperately Seeking a Scoundrel is it. In the two previous books, Colin is a piece of work. He is a drunk, a wastrel, a gambler. He is a seducer of young women. He is responsible for the death of two people. The author has given us a character who is not redeemable. There is not anything about this bonehead we the reader can like. There are waaayyyy toooo many negative things for Colin to overcome. Maybe if he had one or two issues, he might have been redeemable. Colin had tons of them. Moreover, they were not small, my-father-hated-me-when-I-was-two-years-old, issues. He treated a young woman as a throwaway object. He was responsible for her death. He was responsible for his brother dueling. I could go on. Bottom-line, I think this author gave Colin too many destructive character flaws. Besides that, some of the things he did were more than just character flaws.
We have a pretty bland heroine by the name of Sarah, and she does some TSTL things. Once again, there is the manly, macho hero to rescue her from her bad choices. In addition, once again we have insta-lust, although in Colin’s case I am not sure how this differs from his earlier jaunts.

I will make this review short. Ms. Braden took the character of Colin too far down the unconscionable path. Sarah deserved better. She deserved an honorable man, even if she was TSTL. This was not a good book for me. I despised Colin; he was an incredibly horrible person. How many adjectives can I come up with for despicable? Even though this is part of a series, I do not recommend this book. It will add nothing to the overall experience of this series.

Time/Place: Regency England
Sensuality: Disturbingly Monotonous

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