
A Fond Farewell

July 23, 2020
People come into your life, and people go. That’s just the way life is. However, sometimes some of those people leave memories behind. It is with sadness that I must say good-bye to fellow co-worker, colleague, and fellow romance book lover, Delia. I will miss our many talks about what book does this, and what book does that. What hero was wonderful, and what hero was a bonehead. And, OMG!!! Did you see that cover? What is that sticking out of his pants, and what’s with the underarm hair? The last day I saw you, you recommended I retry Caroline Linden’s latest, you also suggested a series by Elisa Braden. I still smile because you pointed out the hero’s armpit hair on the cover.

With that, I say goodbye Delia. you will be missed. 

A favorite book jacket of Delia's.
 Brenda Joyce, The Conqueror, 1996.

"but for my own part, if a book is well written, I always find it too short.”
― Jane Austen

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