
A Wicked Kind of Husband by Mia Vincy

February 15, 2019
We got us a winner.
Yippee! At last, a winner. A debut author who has done some mighty fine writing, and in the process has made me smile. I am a happy camper – and, you can be toooooo!. At the time of

this writing, this book is only available through Amazon. Puleese don’t let that stop you from somehow getting this book. I purchased a paper copy. OMG, a paper copy! I almost forgot how to turn pages. Beware, you are about to enter into Gush territory. It’s been a while since I’ve been this enthused about a writer.

I didn’t want this book to end. Our hero is Joshua Dewitt, and he’s happy as he is. He’s also married to our heroine Cassandra, but they haven’t seen each other since their wedding night two years ago. And, that wasn’t all that memorable. But, he’s a happy camper anyway, ‘cause his wife isn’t around. Just so you know, this is a marriage of convenience story, or in this case inconvenience. Anyway, Joshua aka Grumpy Gus, usually spends his time in Liverpool taking care of business and Cassandra spends her time in Warwickshire taking care of her sisters – never the twain shall meet. Or at least that’s what Cassandra thinks when she comes up with a plan – yes, a Romanceland plan. Her sister, Lucy is rather spoiled or something and she throws a fit. She’s tired of hiding out in the country, she wants to have a season, or at least that’s what she says. Cassandra, who always wants everyone to have what they want, decides it’s time to go to London to see her grandmother. She just knows that down deep her grandmother will give Lucy a season. Even though her grandmother has ignored her, she knows she will be pleased as punch to sponsor Lucy. Cassandra also knows she can stay at her husband’s house because he’s never in London.  And, in true Romanceland fashion, they of course run into each other almost right away. They do not recognize each other in what turns out to be a very humorous first encounter. And with this initial encounter it is quite a delightful ride to the end.

Both Cassandra and Joshua are very complex characters. They both have problems, with bits of angst spewed here and there. But they also have some great chemistry, some of the best I’ve read in a long time. Their encounters are chock full of witty dialogue and I was amazed at some of the outstanding writing coming from the pen of a debut author. Were there some anachronisms? Of course, there were; however, as I’ve said in the past, when I become invested with characters and story I don’t really try to find problems. I just sit back and enjoy.

Did I like all the secondary characters? Well, I’m not sure I cared for Cassandra’s sisters, but we will see where the author takes them – if she does. I did enjoy Joshua’s friend Arabella and the Marquess – and, they have their own story. By the way the stories will not be published in chronological order.

Overall, I highly recommend this book. The characters were complicated, funny, well developed, and just way too delightful for words. A Wicked Kind of Husband was full of rich texture. This is a must read for anyone who loves romance stories. Yes, my little Petunia’s, I have great hopes that we have found another wonderful romance writer in Mia Vincy. This book is to be savored.

Time/Place: Regency England
Sensuality: Hot


Phyl said...

I like to support debut authors, so I'll give this a try. It does sound fun.

Usha said...

Right-on Kay, I loved it too.

SidneyKay said...

Phyl: hope you like it.
Satwinder: I was a happy camper

umar said...

Wow what a rollicking story. Your review was spot on. There is another debut author ( I think ) who I enjoyed just as much. My Lady Governess by Elise Clark. Wonder what your review would be