
You're the Earl That I Want by Kelly Bowen - Small Glom Project

November 12, 2018
Now comes the problem with Glomming.

Sometimes it is advisable to put some space between books – then again maybe not. You're the Earl That I Want is the third book in the Worth series, and while I liked it, I wasn’t as fond of it as I was the first two.

In You're the Earl That I want, we have Heath Hextall. Remember Heath? He is William Somerhall, Duke of Worth’s friend. Right away, one of my many pet-peeves made an appearance. Names. Let's ponder a moment. I have to say I wasn’t fond of the name Heath Hextall. There were so many things going through my itty-bitty brain when I would read his name; it became hard to concentrate. First of all, naming someone after a candy bar may not be such a good thing. At least it wasn't Toblerone. But my thoughts didn't stop at candy. Nah, my inside brain voice would pronounce Heath Hextall with a Daffy Duck inflection. Not a big fan of the double letter names like Vicky Vamp, Elrond Endor, Stephen Stump - you get my drift. Then there was Big Valley. You remember Big Valley? Well, maybe not. But a long, long, long time ago there was a cowboy show with Barbara Stanwyck as Victoria Barkley. Remember, she had a son by the name of Heath. Well, Heath wasn't really her son, he was her husband's natural son. And, you know what that means? Someone was playing fast and loose. This was in the days before Ned Stark - well, sort of. I am digressing. Anyway, Heath Hextall is a self-made man – a wealthy self-made man - and he’s on the look-out for a mate. He knows exactly what kind of woman he wants for a wife. He's made a list. He wants someone who is quiet, doesn’t have too many opinions, and will accept his opinions as law. Sounds like a good plan. He requests help from his friend Worth. Worth finds him a perfect candidate - Lady Rebecca Dalton and she is everything Heath Hextall could want. Except for one minor problem: Lady Josephine Somerhall.

If the name Somerhall sounds familiar that's because Josephine, or Joss as she is called, is Worth’s sister. She also grew up with Heath as a friend. She is not, nor has she ever been peaceful, quiet, or inclined to think that Heath is always correct. And, she is about to reenter Heath’s life again. Once she enters his life again, it is no longer the calm sanctuary he requires. In fact, he is almost killed on their first outing. Joss and Heath struggle against each other for a long time. They have a pretty bumpy road to contend with. He wants peace and quiet and she wants freedom – so there is an overlong stretch of will you/won’t you in this story. I found their back and forth struggles tiring. That was only part of my not liking this story as much as the other two.

Maybe because I’m glomming I became tired of Joss trying to right all the wrongs in the world just as the other two heroines did in their books. But, I could overlook that. Maybe. What I really had an issue with was the silly treasure-hunt-decipher-fanatic-Templar plot. It was just too far-fetched for me to buy into and I do admit I skipped over some of the parts in this plot.

Overall, I thought You’re the Earl That I Want didn’t quite match the power of the other two books in the series. Joss and Heath were great characters, but for me, I just could not get past some of the over-the-top hoops they were required to jump through. On top of that was the back and forth between Joss and Heath. And, let us not forget Heath Hextall (say it like Daffy Duck).

Time/Place: Regency England
Sensuality: Warm/Hot

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